Homemade Oat Nut Bars – all natural, simple, wholesome and satisfying. Oat Nut Bars 1 ½ Cup Honey 1 tsp Vanilla Cinnamon or Pumpkin spice (one small shake) 4 cup Nuts… Continue reading “Homemade Oat Nut Bars – all natural, simple, wholesome and satisfying.”…
Does anyone have any guesses what this is going to be? Usually you can tell what I am making once I get the initial form put together. Do you have an… Continue reading “Does anyone have any guesses what this is going to be?”…
a mug of coffee, enjoyed with aural background music for supernatural, paranormal and other ethereal creatures. As I extricated myself out of the car in the parking garage yesterday while holding my coffee mug in one… Continue reading “a mug of coffee, enjoyed with aural background music for supernatural, paranormal and other ethereal creatures.”…
Is making the item or writing the description the most creative part? I am not sure if creating the items is more fun or if writing the description is. I am not… Continue reading “Is making the item or writing the description the most creative part?”…
Worker Bees and the Kahuna Tiki-King Hive Continue reading “Worker Bees and the Kahuna Tiki-King Hive”…
Pub Cheese – Seriously good for snacking with Beer Pub Cheese I don’t usually post recipes (actually ‘Hardly ever’), but this is really good! Not posting a picture because… Continue reading “Pub Cheese – Seriously good for snacking with Beer”…
Ready for Prime Time! BAZINGA !! In July 2021 – I shipped a laundry shelf creation I made to the prop department of Young… Continue reading “Ready for Prime Time!”…
ORW Funky Rustic Suburban Shed and Extraordinary Chicken Coop Continue reading “ORW Funky Rustic Suburban Shed and Extraordinary Chicken Coop”…
Scrap metal welder cart and welding table combo! Updated with a MIG gas bottle mount. The Old Raven Workshop has upgraded the Welder. The old Easy MIG100 was a great little welder. However, it has… Continue reading “Scrap metal welder cart and welding table combo! Updated with a MIG gas bottle mount.”…