Dog-catraz! Unique Doggie Garage Door Confinement system.
I like to work in the garage, with the big door open. I like to have the shop assistants help. The Shop assistants like to bark at the neighbors when they walk by. I need to keep the Shop assistants from running out into the neighborhood to sniff the neighbor dogs when they walk by with their humans on leash. Viola! The ‘Doggie Garage Door Confinement System’

BTW – this contraption was previously posted on the older blog, but it has been updated. Whne little dude (Mooney Blue) first arrived, he walked right through the fence. Not knowing how much he would grow, it was determined that additional roods needed to be added to the fence. After much welding and painting, this is the new, more restrictive containment unit.
BTW- 2 — IT takes about 30 seconds to set up and put away this device. It folds up into four foot sections and stores around the corner, out of sight near the garbage cans. It attaches to the garage with two eyebolts and a rebar ‘pin’ on either side. Easy peasy. pumpikn’ pie!!