Hooray for Superbowl weekend!

Since I don’t follow football, I usually don’t know (or care) who is playing. However, for some reason I seem to enjoy Superbowl Sundays in the garage a bit more than regular Sundays in the garage. Maybe it is simply that while I am puttering away, getting all kinds of tinkering accomplished, most of my American peers are sitting around in their socks, drinking low quality beer, eating flavorless snacks from an oversized bag and cheering for a haphazard group of athletes who they have an arbitrary affiliation with while that team competes in an inconsequential game of sport-ball. I am kinda smug like that.

So, Sunday I worked on…

A Lamp

A Dolly High-Chair

A garbage can

A Table

Some Martial Art supplies

A Cubby Bookshelf

with the help of a pooch and then Some Hooch