Is making the item or writing the description the most creative part?

I am not sure if creating the items is more fun or if writing the description is. I am not sure if any one ever reads the full descriptions on the Etsy site, I have yet to get any feed back from the customers.
As a gift, you can fill this unique treasure chest with whatever lovely items you desire to give. After the treasures are removed, the receiver still has a lovely keepsake box!
For Graduations, I like to give a box such as this filled with coins, and including a short had written note. This is always a hit with the graduates! For other occasions, use you imagination, fill the box with your own idea of treasure and share!
If you would like to keep this as a personal storage box, it is perfect for keeping small collectables, bars of unused hotel soap, slingshot ammo, airline liquor bottles, political buttons, teeth from conquered enemies, legal or semi-illegal objects, old pet license tags, car keys taken from drunk friends, grandma’s old Pinochle cards, grandma’s ashes (she better be on the small side), spare change, your collection of old thumb drives and memory cards, cigar rings; whatever – you can figure out the best use for this once you have the box in your possession.
Ah, any way; the listing can be found here: Small Oak Treasure Chest – Etsy